Sunday, November 29, 2009

BNbank Blitz Norway 09

On Saturday I went down to Oslo S to watch the finals of BNbank Blitz Norway 09, were GM Magnus Carlsen and GM Hiraku Nakamura were among the participants. Magnus Carlsen was the favorite to win the tournament as he recently became the World Blitz Chess Champion, but it turned out that Hiraku Nakamura was the strongest part. I took a few pictures of the event:

GM Kjetil Lie vs Hiraku Nakamura
GM Kejtil Lie, NOR (2547) - GM Hiraku Nakamura, USA (2715)
Jon Ludvig Hammer vs Magnus Carlsen
GM Jon Ludvig Hammer, NOR (2588) - GM Magnus Carlsen, NOR (2801)
GM Magnus Carlsen, NOR (2801) - GM Hiraku Nakamura, USA (2715)