Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last round of Club Tourney

Thursday 3rd I played the last round of my club's Club Tournament. I played white, and knew I would face The French, as I have played this guy several times before. I play King's Indian Attack against The French, but have lately wanted to find some more aggressive opening against French. Well, I decided on playing KIA one more time vs French, but with maybe some other ideas:

3.Nd2 is KIA standard way, but this is where I thought about playing something else. 3.Qe2 is a good alternative, and maybe it would put my opponent a bit off his prep.

4...dxe4 ? This is usually quite bad, as white normally get's some good outposts.

6...e5 I was a bit surprised over his aggressive style in the opening. Normally he take's it more easy. So from here I started a serie of bad opening development moves. 7.h3 is unnecessary, and too slow. Not sure what I feared :D

10.Bf1 If I hadn't moved 7.h3, I would have been castled now. And Bf1 is probably not good at all. I'm losing tempi, and should most likely have gone for Qb3.

12.Qc2 Probably I should have exchanged the Queens to get out of my opening problems, but the will to win won stronger :D

14.Nb3?? Ouch, a little blunder. I thought I could fork the Bishop and Knight with b5 later on, but it turns out that's working. And after 16...Nd3, which was a move I didn't calculate as I was sure it didn't work, I'm in huge problems. Dunno how I came to the conclusion he couldn't play that :D

20.Ra2 Well, I wanted to play Bb2, but seeing the fork on c2 I stopped calculating. It turns out I can just play Ke2 in reply to the fork, and getting out of most of my problems.

28.Rd2 Last desperate move. If he takes, he might ending up in huge problems after 29.Rxd2+ Kc6 30.b5+ Kc5 31.Rd7. In this line I guess 30...Kc8 might have saved his day.

Well, that was a really poor performance by me, and from now I'm gonna start playing differently, and more aggressively, against the French Defense (Tho, it wasn't the opening choice that ruined this game).