Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Icelandic Gambit

The Icelandic Gambit (or Palme Gambit) arises after 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.c4 e6!? It's invented by Icelandic masters who looked for an alternative to the more common 3...c6 were it often ends up in the Panov-Botvinnik variation of the Caro-Kann.

So, I plan to make a post of every game were I face Icelandic Gambit or Portugese Gambit otb. I recently started to look at this variation, and I lack even more theory knowledge of this opening than the Portuguese ;-)

As with the Portuguese it didn't take long after I had a look at it, before I faced it. I played a weaker player, so the theory of the game is pretty non-existent, but here you go:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Portuguese Gambit

The Portuguese Gambit (also named Jadoul Gambit) arises after 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Bg4 and is said to be first introduced into master play by Carl Göring (the guy that also introduced Göring Gambit).

I found this gambit very interesting, and since I have tried a lot of openings against 1.e4, I wanted to give this gambit a real try otb. 
Well, it didn't take long before I faced it, and I had just started to look at the lines that arises after the Marshall Gambit (1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6). 

So, here is my first game otb with the Portuguese Gambit:

Okay, so this site has been quite dead the last years - I will try to put some life to it again :)

I see that some of the old games are gone, but I will try and get them back - at least for historical value, as now I am a much better chessplayer.

My thought for the next activity is making some posts about an opening I'm experimenting with: The Marshall Gambit in the Scandinavian! I will then focuse on the gambits Portuguese Gambit and Icelandic Gambit. Should be fun stuff :-)
